Sunday, October 4

omegle tralalala

tauga gua dibegoin masa

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: what
You: apeluu
Stranger: why
You: nope
You: asl/
You: asl?
Stranger: how
You: ngerti kaga lu?
You: ngerti = understand
Stranger: what
Stranger: oh
Stranger: how
You: bego ih
Stranger: where
You: here
Stranger: oh
Stranger: when
You: now
Stranger: later?
You: soon
Stranger: yesterday
You: kemaren
Stranger: which
You: yang mana dah?
You: r u silly?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: but how
You: noh kan lu sillyyyyyyyy
You: how what
Stranger: of course not
You: hairfall
Stranger: shampoo?
You: soap
You: cekidot
Stranger: bath
You: shower
You: from?
Stranger: where
You: r u hate malaysia?
You: tau ga lu
Stranger: why?
You: they're maling
You: malink
Stranger: what?
You: maling, sarch aja
You: search
Stranger: hm?
You: maling is something that meongmeong
Stranger: what?
You: where are you from?
You: take a dictionary
Stranger: somewhere
You: me too
You: i came from my mom
You: did you?
Stranger: yeah, i know
You: i think you're came from youre dad
You: right/
You: imsmart
Stranger: maybe
Stranger: anything possible
You: wih hebat lu yak entar gue bilang ama buku rekor
Stranger: hm what?
You: heart heart in walking
You: =
You: hati hati di jalan
You: =
Stranger: heart?
Stranger: love?
You: nooo
You: be careful
Stranger: ok
Stranger: i will
You: heart heart in walking = be carefull
You: i can predict your future
Stranger: how
You: type
You: regmasadepan
You: send to
You: xxxxxxxxx
Stranger: great
Stranger: how to do it
You: with your phone
You: do you want singing?
Stranger: yes, i'd love to
You: follow me
You: naiik baiik ke puncak gunung
Stranger: what?
You: follow mee
Stranger: how?
You: naiik naiik ke puncak gunung
Stranger: cam?
You: no
You: type
Stranger: why not cam
You: i have cantolan not cam
You: do you have?
Stranger: what is it
You: something
You: punya coklat ga
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: what?
You: coklat = brown
Stranger: why? its a color
You: yes i know that is not a animal
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: lol
You: lol = hahahahahahahahaha
Stranger: yes, i know
You: you're smart
You: like me
You: but
You: pinteran gua
You: weeeeekkkkkkkkkk
Stranger: thanks
You: thanks = same same
You: hw
Stranger: same?
You: you must study hard ,
You: youre getting silly right now
You: do you think so?
Stranger: really?
You: not at all
Stranger: i can feel it
You: lol
You: lolololololololol
You: bego
You: daripada guaa
Stranger: yeah, u r right
You: ghost?
You: awrrrrrrrrrrrr
Stranger: god?
You: hantu
You: like babi ngesot
You: sliding pig
You: pink pig
Stranger: like what?
You: thats cute
Stranger: whose pig?
You: sliding pig is cute
You: sliding pig is a ghost
You: new ghost
Stranger: ohh
You: update makanya
You: newer than ever
Stranger: yeah, update
Stranger: right
You: do you know what sliding pig look like?
You: mau aja lu dibegoin
Stranger: nope
Stranger: hm, what?
You: owww just search it
Stranger: explain it
You: hmmm its look like a ball with mustard
You: pink bll
You: and has tail
You: curly tail
You: and you can add a ribbon
You: its soooooooooo cute you know
Stranger: seems its cute
You: its a new-fashionable-animal
You: do you know its sister?
Stranger: ohh, i see, like an icon, right
You: i call its sister with sliding nurse
You: just thinking
Stranger: hm, ok, you seems have much problem right now
You: like?
Stranger: dunno
You: but not much better like you
Stranger: problem with the nurses?
Stranger: hm, maybe
You: nope
You: with....
You: hmmm
Stranger: with the pig?
You: abang baso
Stranger: who is that?
You: i have a lot of utang
You: terbelit utang , you know
Stranger: no, what is it?
You: abang baso say i'm cantik
Stranger: you what?
You: but round like baso
Stranger: who is baso?
You: beautifull = cantik
You: baso is my silly brother
You: he is always sell our house
You: so, im frustated
Stranger: ohh, your brother is baso, right?
Stranger: why?
You: right ^^
You: baso is ece ece
Stranger: you've said, you are beautifull
You: yeeeeeessss of course, im handsome too
You: kalah lu
You: mamfus
Stranger: really?
Stranger: nice
You: yeaaaaaaah
Stranger: hm, what?
You: i have two face
Stranger: really?
Stranger: like a clown?
You: no no no
You: like monkey mask
You: i think you should studying
Stranger: well, you must be an animal lovers, right?
You: your english not better
You: i'm animal
Stranger: yeah, i'm learning
You: do you like conan?
Stranger: what?
You: detective
You: like sherlock holmes
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: i know
You: yesss
Stranger: you like it?
You: of course
You: oh noooo
Stranger: what
You: my brother will come
You: and sell our house
Stranger: then?
You: again
Stranger: why?
You: baso coming
Stranger: well, seems like he is bad
You: yeahh
You: basoooo id fat
You: *is
Stranger: so, he needs diet
You: he's like cucumber
Stranger: cucumber isnt fat, i think
You: our cucumber is fat
You: like a ball
You: green ball
Stranger: like a tennis ball?
You: nooo
You: likee globe
You: dont you know it
Stranger: the big one or small one?
You: we have a lot of fat cucumber in our farm and they are big

Stranger: so, you have farm? great
You: you want one?
Stranger: what else do you plant?
You: yes of course
You: hmm,
You: wait, i'll ask my mom
Stranger: ok
You: we have polkadot eggplant,
You: .....
You: hem
Stranger: hm, polkadot?
You: orange watermelon
You: do you know polkadot?
Stranger: no, what is it?
You: we have a farm coz we dont have house
You: baso has sell it
Stranger: where do you sleep then? on the ground?
You: noooo
You: not relly
You: i sleep on the tree
You: now im on it
You: soooo awesome
Stranger: great
Stranger: i wanna try it
You: good
You: goblok bener
Stranger: hm what?
You: g o b l o k
You: its smart
Stranger: like you, right?
You: no i dont
You: its youuu
Stranger: really? you seems goblok to me
Stranger: its smart, right
You: im smarter than you cause i sleep on the tree
Stranger: yeah, and you can chatting on it
You: yes of course
You: now i/m in the market
You: im hungry
You: i want gado gado
Stranger: buy some food then
Stranger: gado gado?
You: yeahh
You: gado gado is delicious
You: hmm yummy
You: youre not uptodate
Stranger: yeah, kind of nerd i guess
You: do you know
Stranger: what
You: tHis iS cOol. liKe mE
Stranger: which one cool?
You: me
You: me cool
You: youre tu cool
You: my eyes red make soplens
Stranger: soplens?
Stranger: go to the doctor then, your eyes red
You: errrrrrrrr youre really ngga update
You: now its blue
You: cool
You: my eyes like rainbow
Stranger: hm, cool, how you do it?
You: baso teach me
Stranger: he is clever then
Stranger: can you teach me
You: noo
You: secret
You: rahasia
Stranger: why?
Stranger: please
Stranger: i want my eyes like rainbow too
You: hey o'm baso
You: hey i'm baso
You: my sister's eyes like rainbow
You: you wanna try?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: yeah, teach me please
You: i cant
Stranger: why?
You: i have to sell our house
Stranger: why you sell it?
You: and tomorrow i have to sell our tree
You: i want many lams
You: lambs
Stranger: so, where do you live
You: theyre cute
You: i live at market
Stranger: hm, they also yummy, you know
You: yes i know
You: do you know where is my sister?
You: she is gone
Stranger: where?
You: i dont know
Stranger: does she missing?
You: yes
You: where is she?
Stranger: you should look for her
You: i'm baso's mommy
Stranger: on the tree maybe
You: do you see baso?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: nope
You: baso where are you?
Stranger: he also missing?
You: yes
Stranger: ohh, poor you
You: i see baso go to the tree
Stranger: go, find them then
You: never
You: i hate them
Stranger: why
You: they are like eat
You: and they have sliding pig
Stranger: they are your children right
You: no
Stranger: sliding pig is cute right
You: they re sliding pigs children
Stranger: ohh, so, they must be cute, like sliding pig
You: we have a lot of sliding pig, do you want it?
Stranger: no, thanks, i dont like pig
You: do you know what time is it?
Stranger: about 2 pm here
You: noo
You: its 12:03 am
Stranger: well, you need to sleep
You: im bat woman
You: my husband gone
You: he is missing
Stranger: ohh, you are poor woman
Stranger: how is he missing?
You: he go to the near river and he is gone
You: i dont know where
Stranger: tell someone then, they will find your husband
You: no he is come back with fish in his mouth
Stranger: wow, cool
Stranger: how he did it?
You: he try to catch the fish
You: with his mouse
You: mouth
Stranger: wow, he is great, cool
You: thanks
You: our family is cool
Stranger: yeah, seems like that
You: i have to find baso
You: byeee
Stranger: oke
Stranger: by the way
You: ?
Stranger: i understand everything you've said
Stranger: haha
Stranger: dadah
You: hahaahaha sial bet lu
Stranger: sip
You: eh lu dimana?
You: ah gapenting
Stranger: indo
You: indo luas
Stranger: gih cari baso
You: ga lewat lewat
Stranger: telat nyari skarang
You: eh lu dimana rumahnya?
Stranger: ngapain? mau ngasi babi?
You: iye sliding pig nya nungguin noh
Stranger: buat lu ja dah
You: eh gila gue ketawa sakit perut
Stranger: haha
You: ah lu gilak ye??
Stranger: nggak
You: yaudah sama tos
Stranger: sip *tos
You: lu tau bogor?
Stranger: tau
You: rumah lu dimana?
Stranger: indo
Stranger: pulau jawa
You: ah tau ah
You: gilak li
Stranger: jawa barat
You: lu
You: nama lu ali?
Stranger: waras, masih di rumah kok
Stranger: bukan rsj
You: nama lu rsj?
You: cool
Stranger: yoi
You: sliding pig
Stranger: bacanya aja susa
You: susah om
You: dadah gilak
You: see you ya
Stranger: oke
Stranger: gih naek pohon lagi
You: yaudah

gitudeh orang bego dibegoin tapi huh gamau gua jadi bego

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